Monday, May 24, 2021

Jesus and Ants

As I was sweeping the kitchen floor today, I swept up an ant. The ant immediately tried to scurry out of my dirt pile, so....I squished it with my big toe. 

Instantly I had the thought, "Jesus, what would You do with an ant in your house?" 

O Lord, what a variety of things you have made! In wisdom you have made them all. The earth is full of your creatures.
Psalms 104:24

I imagined seeing something I created in the wrong spot. Certainly I wouldn't just squish it because it was out of place. No. I would pick it up and gently move it back to where it belonged. I would set up barriers to make sure it stayed where it belonged; where it was safe. 

I started to giggle a little to myself. I thought, 'How silly this is. Thinking about God and ants. Asking God what He would do with a straying ant.'

But is this what it means to live fully integrated? To be all in for Christ? In every way; in all things I will seek to honor God and serve Him. 

In the past I have sprayed around the house. Set up a barrier, so to speak. Something to keep the ants out where they belong; where they won't get squished. It doesn't kill them, it just keeps them from crossing.

I haven't sprayed this year because I've been very conscience of my health. I've heard those sprays are not healthy for me, so I was protecting myself. Instead I was squishing the ants that wandered into my house. I was putting piles of attractive poison in ant prone spots. Harmless poison to me, but poison that ants take back to their nest and kill all who inhabit it. 

But would it be more self-sacrificing to spray the barrier around the house to protect the ants from getting squished? Is that a better way for me to serve Jesus? 

Everything you say or do should be done in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
Colossians 3:17

1 comment:

  1. I love that you think of these things. Instead of "you do you", you do Jesus...and I'm very thankful for that.
