Friday, February 28, 2020


Well, it's the end of February. How does 2020 look so far? Are you still on track? Or do you have resolutions that didn't stick? Goals that are out of focus and completely off your radar?

It's ok. Our God gives us a fresh start every day! Even if it's not the beginning of a new year.

"Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day." 
-2 Corinthians 4:16

I found an exercise program a couple of years ago called Faithful Workouts. (No, they're not paying me, but here's their site if you want to check them out.) One of their main teachings is the ABCs of a healthy lifestyle.

Ask God to help you.
Believe He can and will help you.
Check your motives.

I think these can easily be applied to all resolutions, goals, and life's detours. No matter what you want to do, and no matter what time of year it is, God is there, able and willing to help you.

I started my journey to better health in May of 2018. It wasn't at the beginning of a year, the timing wasn't perfect, I didn't even have the right reasons for starting! But those ABCs kept leading me back to God - my source of strength; the one who purifies my heart.

I also started....slow. I didn't jump right in. I wasn't a fanatic from the beginning. But I started. I took one step in being healthier. Slowly, after months of standing firm at the one-step, I took another step. And I'm not done. I have not arrived. But I continue to start. You can too.

Be patient with yourself! As Michelle at Faithful Workouts always says, "Be thankful you are healthy enough to do this. Don't worry about the moves you can't do. Be thankful for the moves you can."

Most importantly, though, remember you are not alone. God is right there with you. Ask Him to help you! He loves you and wants to help you. Believe that He can and will help you. It doesn't matter what your goal is. Is it important to you? Then it's important to God. You are His child. He loves to hear about your day and help you with your struggles.

"Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up."
-Luke 18:1